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Prohibition signs prohibit a behaviour or action that is likely to cause a risk to health and safety. This is a type of regulatory signage which can be linked with a law or standing workplace order and therefore must be carried out without exception.
Prohibition signage is characterised by the red annulus and slash over a black symbol depicting what is forbidden. Text is black on a white background.
Select signs are compliant with AS 1319 and/or ISO 7010.
Prohibition signs prohibit a behaviour or action that is likely to cause a risk to health and safety. This is a type of regulatory signage which can be linked with a law or standing workplace order and therefore must be carried out without exception.
Prohibition signage is characterised by the red annulus and slash over a black symbol depicting what is forbidden. Text is black on a white background.
Select signs are compliant with AS 1319 and/or ISO 7010.